The Lacemaker's Home Page
Welcome to Arachne's Web Server
Arachne's Web Server is dedicated to the lacemaker's art.
Due to personal bias, the contents will tend to lean heavily towards
16th and early 17 century laces, and lacemaking in the SCA.
I've started with a few files I have lying around - postings I have
written in response to questions on, and lecture notes I've
written for various classes. If you have files you would like to make
available here, please (please!) send me email.
Arachne's Web Server is not associated with SCA guild of Arachne's
Notes From the Webmistress
What's New...
As I announced on the list, I've moved the site to a slighly longer URL - if you are reading this, you found us.
The Lacemaker's Mailing List
There is an active community of lacemakers on the net communicating
via email on the lacemaker's mailing
list. Sign up and join the fun.
Lace Files
Here is a random assortment of files I've written and made available.
As I write/format files, I'm adding them here. When the list gets long
enough to need further breaking down I'll rearrange things.
Suppliers and other sources of information
I have removed the guild and supplier pages because they are so badly out of date. I'm working on a new solution. Meanwhile here is a very short list
of current places you can go for more information:
A picture of bobbin lace (Bucks Point) in progress. Click here to
learn more:
This is a small version of the larger picture (~147K)
I've scanned some lace I'm currently working on, a Cluny pattern. (120K)
Liz Reynolds
Last modified: Wed Dec 28 11:16:26 2022